Sunday, September 22, 2013

Turandot at the Royal Opera House

The Music Department has got off to a busy start to the year with 25 boys taking part in Turandot at the Royal Opera House. These photographs from photographer Tristram Kenton give an idea of the wonderful colour and energy of this amazing production. The opera was relayed live to over 1000 cinemas in 38 countries on Tuesday 17 September.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Music Events Michaelmas Term 2013

The musical activities this school year begin at the very start of the Michaelmas term with 25 boys taking part in the production of Puccini’s Turandot at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden during September. 

The Royal Opera in Turandot. © ROH / Johan Persson 2008

Meanwhile the Schola will be busy preparing for the annual Foundation Day Mass at Westminster Cathedral, to be held at 2.15 pm on Friday 20 September.


The Big Band is to travel to Hong Kong in the October half-term and to raise funds for the trip will hold a cabaret evening in the New Hall at school on Friday 11 October.

The Early Evening Recitals begin on October 9 with a recital by the wind and brass players. There are further recitals on 16 October (strings) and 13 November (piano and organ). There will also be a Junior Instrumental Concert on Tuesday 3 December. 

The celebration of the Patron Saint of Music, St Cecilia, will be held at St Paul’s Church, Hammersmith on Thursday 21 November, with music by Haydn, Mozart, Copland and others on the programme.

The Schola will be especially busy during November, giving two concert performances of the Duruflé Requiem. On Friday 15 November they will sing the work in a joint concert with Ealing Abbey Choir in Ealing Abbey. On Saturday 16 November they will perform the Requiem in Douai Abbey. 

The Schola’s new CD, In Honour of Our Lady, recorded in Douai Abbey at the end of last term, will be released at some point in the coming months.

A highlight of the term will come on Tuesday 10 December when the School Choir, accompanied the Belgravia Chamber Orchestra, will perform a concert of Haydn and Mozart, including the magnificent Missa in Angustiis (‘Mass in time of war’ or ‘Nelson Mass’). 

Finally, the Vaughan's wonderful Annual Service of Lessons and Carols will be at St James’s, Spanish Place at 7.30 pm on Thursday 19 December. For this service the Schola Cantorum has commissioned a new carol from leading composer Matthew Martin.